Saturday, September 12, 2015

Abortion Logic

I try hard to listen to people that think differently in an attempt to understand where they are coming from.  I feel to do any less would just be to add to the dis-unity we face.  There is this one issue though that has me completely baffled.  I see no logic, nor any relevant argument being presented.  I am completely befuddled as to how many people think it's ok to slaughter babies by the millions.

One of the first reasons we hear is in the case of rape or incest.  I do not deny that these are awful things and a baby born out of such situations could potentially be mentally and emotionally a huge challenge.  I still don't think killing the baby is the answer, but this is one slightly understandable reason for some to think it is.

Statistics that I've seen say that less than 1% of abortions stem from this type of scenario.  So if I were to accept this argument for abortion, please explain to me why that justifies the other 99% of abortions performed.  This is why I find this an invalid response.  It is not right to make all things legal for the sake of one understandable situation.  Calling someone who is against abortion a monster for the sake of these few people is illogical.  If those are truly the people you care about, why don't I hear of laws being proposed to legalize abortion only in these cases?  

Another one I saw was a congresswoman I believe speaking to her governing peers.  She proceeded to tell us that she had had 2 abortions.  Then she went on to say that her babies had died in the womb and had to be removed from her body.  She called this an abortion.  She argued that if that dead tissue had been left in her body it would have killed her.  She said that an abortion had to be done to remove the dead babies.  She was using this scenario to show people that this was a medically necessary thing and the "other side" was trying to make it illegal.

Um. No.  This woman needs a dictionary.  I did a quick internet search for the definition of abortion, and this is what came up.  "the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy" I think anyone with half a brain could determine that what this woman went through was in no way an abortion.  If her babies died, that was not a deliberate termination, it was an unfortunate accident.  This is the type of argument that bugs me most because it is completely off topic.  No one that is pro-life is saying that babies dead in the womb must be left there.  That is just stupid, or should I say, deceptive.

Recently we were exposed to some horrific videos of Planned Parenthood execs dealing out the body parts of the babies they had killed.  This stirred up the public outrage on one side of the issue.  The left did not have a legitimate response to what they saw, they only decided to state that the videos were edited so therefor they were not real.  Ever watch the news?  Video clips are always edited to show the important details.  The video footage is real, whether you see the whole thing or just pieces.  Besides that, I believe they did upload the unedited footage as well.  No response.  A group of protesters gathered outside Governor Bobby Jindal's house to protest his defunding of Planned Parenthood.  He set up screens outside and began showing the videos.  The protesters ran away, they couldn't take watching them.  Again, there is no legitimate response to the truth that this is a sick sick business.  

There have been many testimonies of people who worked in abortion clinics and had to quit because it was so horrifying.  I don't understand the people that can do it still after hearing the descriptions of those who left.  I wonder how many average citizens could sit and watch it happen?  I wonder how many that are for abortion really know what happens.  

Next we can look at the tactic of shifting the focus.  When someone stands up and says that it's wrong to kill babies, their own failings get put on the table.  This lovely argument says that if you are not perfect, you have no right to make a moral stand against anything.  Again, this is just smoke and mirrors.  There is no way to make it sound like a good and proper thing to kill babies, all they can do is shift the focus to other issues.  This is also applied to those who reference the Bible as their source for their opinion.  People with no understanding of the Bible like to ask if they wear mixed clothing or cut their beards.  Truth is truth, no matter how much of it we abide by.  Just because I sin in one area does not mean that stating the truth in another is invalid.  Just because I stole a candy bar doesn't mean I have no right to say murder is wrong. 

My favorite one however is the idea that a man has no right to an opinion because he does not have a uterus.  Really?  I'll concede that it may seem unfair that a man can be promiscuous without facing the same risks a woman does.  But that's how it is.  A man is still a human being that should be able to express his thoughts regarding babies.  We are outraged when ISIS slaughters people, when the Nazis killed 6 million people, when a refugee baby washes up on the beach and no one tells us we can't have an opinion because we're not __fill in the blank people group __ .  Humans have the right to protest the slaughter of other humans.  Period.  

I am pro-choice.  I believe that everyone has the right to choose how they approach their own sex lives.  I believe you should choose carefully who you sleep with, how you protect yourself, etc.  If you choose poorly, there are natural consequences.  If you are female, you may end up pregnant.  I think we all know where babies come from.  Accept it.  If you don't want a baby, you are responsible for making certain choices.  After the fact, killing a baby is not an acceptable choice.  I am pro-life.

I know that there are so many stories, situations, heart breaking reasons why so many women choose to kill  their unborn babies.  I know a few women, heard plenty of stories.  My heart goes out to them all.  I can't really put myself in their shoes, but I can imagine.  I did live with a single mom for a bit and I saw how hard that life was.  But I believe God is good, maybe that is the difference.  I don't see a baby as a punishment.  A baby is a blessing, a huge joy.  All the fears that rise up when a girl finds out she is pregnant I'm sure are deafening.  But what you don't know is how the baby will change you and the father and many others in your life.  What if the baby is what causes someone to grow up and make positive changes in their life?  What if a baby gives you a purpose and meaning in your life?  What if that baby will grow up and find the cure for cancer?  What if you ignore the fears and embrace the possibilities?  What if you took responsibility for your choices and accept the great adventure of loving and being loved by a child you create in your own body?  It could be the best choice you ever made.