Monday, April 27, 2015

Why Does it Matter?

Origin.  Did God create us, or did we evolve from nothing?  Why does it matter?

I'm not going to get into the debate over which is true, I want to talk about why the answer matters.

I enjoy a good debate, but there was one time a few years ago where I realized something important.  Without common ground foundational truths, we can't have a functional debate and actually come together on an issue.  When the trunk of truth is different, the branches of the argument are on two different trees.

Today there are so many issues in the news causing chaos in so many lives because we don't agree on the issues.  We are a nation divided, constantly fighting, neither side willing to listen and understand.  But why?  Is lack of common sense the issue?  Are people stupid?  Are people hateful?  Do people lack compassion?  I'd like to suggest that the biggest problem we face is that we are on two different trees.  What tree we subscribe to ultimately determines our beliefs on the issues.

I belong to the God tree.  I believe that God created each and every one of us intentionally and with purpose.  I believe that He crafted me exactly how He wanted me to be so that I could fulfill the amazing plan He had in mind for my life.  I believe this is true of every single person on the planet throughout time, regardless of the individual's view of God.  I believe that God singled us out to be made in His image and to be receivers of His love.

The other tree says that we evolved from some "lower" life form.  We are an accident.  We are no different than the animals.  There is no purpose to our being here, we are not special, we have no value in the universe.  Survival of the fittest.

These two wildly different viewpoints affect our beliefs on every issue we are fighting over.

- If I was created by a loving God who made me specifically how He wants me, then I believe He did not make a mistake in making me female.  If I am just a random collection of cells that happened to turn out human, I can believe that I evolved wrong, therefore I can mutilate my body to make myself however I want to be.

- If I believe God is the initiator of all life, I will honor an unborn child's right to live the same as I would any other person.  If I believe we are all an accident, I will be ok killing my unborn baby because it is inconvenient or "defective."

- If I believe God is my Creator, I will believe that He also wrote the 'operation manual' and knows how I should live my life in the best possible way.  I'll believe that He will show me which acts are harmful to me and which are good.  If I believe there is no plan for my life and no source for an absolute moral code, I will do whatever feels good in the moment and then be very confused when my life falls apart.

- If I believe that God has promised to take care of my every need, I will trust in Him and not stress out over every obstacle I face.  I will not compromise my personal values for the sake of my own survival, and I will be generous with what I have, knowing my Heavenly Father will make sure I still have what I need.  If I am alone in the universe and no one is looking after me, I will do what it takes to survive, not caring who I trample in the process.  Survival of the fittest.  If I am stronger, I will take what I want.

Now I do realize that these are somewhat extreme and we all fall in the spectrum somewhere.  I am not perfect in walking out what I say I believe all the time, and those on the other tree don't always act out the extremes of what I'm saying, but I do believe the basic thought here is valid.  People still have free will to do worse or better than what they believe and often do.  I'm just trying to lay out what the origin belief can lead us to believe about humanity and how that affects where we fall on social issues.

Does human life have value and purpose?  If it is created by God, yes... but if it's all a cosmic accident, I don't know.

If God turns out to be the false tree, I still have no regrets.  I believe in the path I'm on.  I want to walk in love, to serve my fellow man, to value each and every life I encounter.  I have observed how life works out for people who do the things God says are bad for us, and I choose to not go down that path.  I don't want to live with the pain I see in their lives.  My observations have led me to believe that what the Bible says is valid.  I believe that God doesn't make mistakes, so I struggle to know how to love those who say He does in their attempts to live out a life outside of how God made them.  This is a difficult road to navigate, but I am trying.  I want to choose love, I want to express God's goodness to everyone.  I don't always succeed, but with His help, I'm learning and growing every day.  I see His plan and how I fit into it, so I submit myself to Him in order to fulfill His plan for me.  I am most happy and satisfied with my life when I'm doing what He is showing me to do.  Only in that place do I find freedom.  That is why I wholeheartedly stand with the God tree.  He has proven Himself true in my life too many times for me to believe any other idea.

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