Friday, February 27, 2015

Deception and Ignorance

I have been re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia lately.  I tend to do this every 2-3 years and every time it seems like I see something new.  I've been thinking about the issue of false teachers as I read The Last Battle.  I'd like to share some of my thoughts here.

A quick idea of how the story led me here,,.  An evil ape finds a lion skin, so he puts it on his stupid donkey friend and pretends that he has Aslan (Jesus) in a shed and fools the Narnians.  He begins giving orders that are very un-Aslan like.  In this story it's been a long time since Aslan has been seen in Narnia, but the creatures all know the old stories of how he defeated the witch and all the wonderful things he did.  The ape's version of Aslan is so different, but they still seem to believe the ape is telling the truth and Aslan is really selling them into slavery and the like.

I was struck by how this can be true in this reality as well.  How many crazy cult leaders have risen up over the years and fooled so many?  How many corruptions have there been within the church?  Sometimes they seem so out there, we wonder how anyone is fooled.

I think it is easy to see what you're looking for.  If you have it in your head that God is a big evil tyrant in the sky, it will be easier for you to believe someone that is spewing fear and wrath "from God."  If God is distant and un-knowable, you might be drawn to someone who claims to have a direct connection.  If you believe God is in a good mood and He loves you, you will dismiss the street corner preacher's warnings of doom and gloom.  So how do we know what we should believe?

The importance of the Bible seems to become more obvious here.  The best description I've heard for the purpose of the Bible is that it is meant to lead us into a relationship with the Author.  It's not a book of rules, it's not just a storybook, it's not a documentary of Jewish history .... it's a love letter.  It is imperative that we learn to read it with the intent to know our Heavenly Father.  To read each story and ask, what character qualities is God showing me here? Where is His love, His grace, His mercy?  Who is God?  What is He teaching me in this passage?

When we don't know who God is, the fear slingers can much more easily manipulate us.  I think back to the time before Martin Luther when the Catholic church was so corrupt.  Why?  Only the leaders had access to the Bible.  The general public was illiterate, or at least couldn't read the language the scriptures were written in, so all they could do was trust their leaders.  This was a pretty sickening time in church history where the religious leaders were selling salvation, amassing wealth at the expense of the ignorant people.  Martin Luther was a man brave enough to change the balance of power by translating the Bible into the common language.  When more people had access to the knowledge of who God is, the times were a changing.  ;)

I won't claim to know much about cults, but I've seen a few of my cop shows that deal with them, and in most cases, the cult leader is some guy who "hears from God" and passes along orders to the people.  He usually works with scare tactics, threatening loss of salvation or something like that.  I think it's pretty clear that when only one man can hear from God, we have a problem.  Jesus came that ALL of us could have direct access, so none of us should ever be in a position to listen to one single individual to know what God is saying.  We are all capable of hearing, so we are all responsible for the choices we make.  Never allow another person to take the place of your own personal relationship to God.  The people in our inner circle definitely can have input, but ultimately we need to hear from God for ourselves.

Another one, yes, mostly from Hollywood is the serial killers that are "doing God's work" as they run around killing people.  This one goes back to the issue of knowing God's character.  It's pretty simple to see that "thou shalt not murder" probably didn't come from the same guy telling you to murder people.  Also, the Westborough Baptist "church" that runs around flinging hatred and lies in the name of God, they are sickening!  They are the opposite of what Jesus taught, but they seem to believe they're doing His work.  Seems to me they're doing a pretty good job of turning people away from Christ if they believe what they're saying.  Jesus is perfect theology, and He never murdered any sinners, nor did He wave nasty picket signs.  He showed them grace and mercy and offered forgiveness and love.  If you knew that, you would be able to identify that voice in your head as "not God."  It's pretty simple, but so many are deceived.

[ I use Hollywood examples, knowing they aren't necessarily true, or even accurate because people watch these shows and movies, and on some level, believe them.  I have a passion to expose misinformation about God, so if there's any chance that people believe that God could be speaking to or through these people who do horrible things, I want to share my thoughts on the subject.  I would hate for anyone to dismiss God because of a belief system shaped by Hollywood.  Sounds silly, but I have run into people who seem to have done just that.]

Take the red pill.  There is an enemy out there and he hates you and he wants to keep you captive.  He wants to destroy you and keep you from the Love of the Father and he is an expert deceiver.  I don't believe in "scaring people into Heaven.  I don't think that works. But the devil will convince you there isn't a Heaven if you let him.  You owe it to yourself to seek out truth, to know that what you believe is true.  There is so much bad information out there, it is up to each of us to be diligent in finding truth.  If God is real, and in my experience He is very real, do you really want to put it off until it's too late? It's not about fear, it's about the ultimate love.  Do you have any idea what you're missing out on?  The devil and his minions will do all they can to keep you from truth.  He's a whiny baby who knows he's lost, and just wants to hurt God by stealing away His children.  Lies are the only power he has.  That's why the Bible tells us that the truth will set us free.  It's simple.  There is a promise that if you seek it, you will find it.  It's so worth it.  God isn't about rules, He's about freedom!

My encouragement with this one is to make sure you are investing time in getting to know God so that the chances of your being one of the deceived will be minimized.  God is right there waiting for you to talk to and hear from.  He wants relationship with you.  Take advantage of this incredible opportunity.  We live in a free country where we are able to read in the open and practice our faith.  Others don't have the same freedom, so don't waste yours.

Friday, February 6, 2015

What is the real issue with gender?

I read an article today that was about the issue of "transgender."  There is a cry for help from a group of people that needs to be addressed.  There is a lot of pain associated with this whole gender identity issue.  The article spurred me to write out my thoughts.

The topics related to sex / gender have fascinated me for some time now.  Why? Because I am someone who doesn't fit "the norm."  I will say that I agree with this article.  This gender identity issue is a mental one that should be addressed, but I want to offer up another answer to the issue.  One that is near to my heart.

Gender is cultural.  What it means to be a woman in the US is different than a woman in a remote African village.   But beyond that, we are ALL different.  I like to think of these things as a spectrum.  Both sexes have testosterone and estrogen right?  They're not doled out in equal parts to all of us, we all land somewhere on the spectrum.  We are mostly all born clearly one sex or the other, (there are a few born with both parts) but how our life develops is up for grabs.  I think environment definitely plays a part in determining our preferences, but I'm sure our biology does as well.  (no, I have no formal education on this topic, just thinking with my brain and reading random articles over the years)  A girl who has more testosterone will likely be better at sports and therefore pursue it more than a girl who does not.  Just a generalization, but you get where I'm going.

Let me tell you a little about me that shapes how I view this issue.  All who know me will tell you that I'm a tomboy, that I hate girly stuff, I hate pink, I hate flowers, but I love sports, baseball caps, and eating burgers instead of salads.  Does that mean I identify as a boy?  No!

Why am I this way? I would guess in part because I grew up in a neighborhood full of boys.  When I went out to play with the neighbor kids, it was all baseball, football, Star Wars...  We watched action movies and played ball.  I had an older sister, but she married and moved out when I was 8, so before I hit the age of really starting to develop who I was.  Maybe if we'd been closer in age I would've been different. Who knows?  I know a lot of kids look up to and emulate their older siblings.   But as it is, I have always much preferred "boy activities" to "girl activities."  This of course caused me to be picked on in school and I never quite fit in with the boys or the girls.  Even into adulthood, there were women's meetings at church and I never wanted to go to them because they were all tea parties, fashion shows, and girl food that I wouldn't eat.  I have finally come to terms with my identity, I am secure in who I am, but it has not come without a lot of heartache.  I would think that I can relate to these youth that call themselves transgender on some level.  I don't fit in.  I am not what people have told me I should be.

How do I identify myself today at 37?  Honestly, to tell you the truth, neither.  And I think that is how it should be. (I'm sure some would disagree with me on that, but it's my opinion)  I think the entire problem is that people really like to put things in boxes, to create labels to attach to everyone.  We so badly want control in our world, we subconsciously insist that everyone fit perfectly into all sorts of little categories.  This is what I believe needs to change.  There is a loud cry for freedom that is running into brick walls everywhere it turns!  Growing up and discovering who you are is hard enough without all the outside pressure to conform conform conform!!  We are destroying the uniqueness in people by forcing everyone to be exactly the same or get tormented by their peers.  We claim to be a tolerant society, but we are so far from it.  Ask any junior high kid.  Any little thing that is different about you brings the torment of the other students.  We have all been there, we've all felt outcast at some point.  Just because we're different.

We all know the boy that likes fashion and art and dancing and is immediately labeled "gay."  We all know the girl who dresses for comfort, loves sports, and can fix a car so she is labeled "lesbian."  It's sick and wrong!!  It is ludicrous to think that a person's likes or dislikes have anything to do with sexual desires.  But that is how we label, and that is a big part of messing up the minds of kids who are trying to figure out who they are.  We're telling them that "because you like this, you must be this."  Why can't a boy like fashion and still like girls?  Why can't a girl be good at sports and still like boys?  Why are these people the targets of bullying?  Why can't we just let people be who they are? If we're all the same, life is boring and a lot of stuff wouldn't get done.  We need everyone to be who they were created to be.  What would the world look like if everyone could be free to be? I think it would be a much happier place.

I don't know how to end this.  It's human nature to categorize things.  All I can hope for is that I can write something that makes one person think, and that person shares it with another and it spreads, changing attitudes and perceptions.  We desperately need true tolerance and acceptance of the unique nature of every single human being.  Stop labeling people on first impressions.  Stop insisting that everyone be the same.  Stop telling little boys to not play with dolls.  Stop forcing little girls to wear pink every day.  We all have a sex, male or female, that is not up for debate.  It tells us what our role in reproduction is, that's about it.  Beyond that is a huge spectrum of possibility.

The rest of our identity is a mystery to be sought out and discovered with great joy!  I wasted so many years listening to others tell me that who I was was wrong and I needed to change it.  I had a culturally based gender identity forced on me and I didn't have the courage to fight it yet.  I know that eventually my journey brought be to a discovery of my destiny to live and serve in Uganda.  Once I found that piece, all the other  quirks and oddities suddenly made complete sense!  I was created for this!  This is who I am and where I find my joy.  I only hope that everyone else is given the same freedom to find who they are and rejoice in it.

 I am Superman.  Deal with it.  :)

P.S.  -- Since this whole Bruce Jenner story has blown up, I'm revisiting this post.  I don't know his story.  I don't know why he thinks he should be a woman.  My heart breaks for him that he sees his only option is to mutilate his body and artificially medicate himself for the rest of his life so that he can appear as a woman.  I wonder if the things I've said here could've helped him see another option if he had encountered these ideas.  I wonder what made him believe he couldn't be himself without changing his appearance.  It's so sad, and even sadder that our media is hailing him as a great courageous hero for what he's doing.  I think he is a very hurt and confused man and I hope he finds the help he needs so he can be at peace with the man he was created to be.

Monday, February 2, 2015


What am I supposed to be doing with my life? Some would tell you that every answer you need in life is in the Bible, but I would like to propose that isn't exactly true.  Yeah, I said it.  There are tons of good teachings in there, but they are broad and generic so to speak.  But what about my life?  There's no way the Bible is going to tell me to move to Uganda, because Uganda didn't exist when it was written.  It's not going to tell you to go to college for a computer programming degree.  The Bible gives us principles and guidelines, but there has to be another way to get specific instructions for our own lives.

The purpose of the Bible, I've heard it said, is to introduce you to the author.  As we get to know Him, He shows us who He created us to be.  When you know who you are, and what your passions are, it becomes much easier to choose your path.  He created us all for something specific, and it isn't all 'super spiritual' looking.  Some are called to be pastors and missionaries, sure, but some are called to be postmen or football players.  There's plenty of possibilities, and as we discover our unique identity, gift mix, and passions, our destiny becomes clear.

The Bible contains principles by which we can make decisions which is great.  It also contains stories of people who messed up and people who got to see God's miracles, many times they were one in the same.  The Bible is about redemption.  God used the worst of people to accomplish His works on the Earth.  I just heard a preacher say something like 19 books of the Bible were written by murderers.  Ever looked at Jesus' family tree?  Prostitutes, murderers, adulterers, liars....  Not the prettiest heritage.  But God.  I think the Bible is a story of hope.  All these people messed up big time, yet God still loved them and still used them for great purposes.

So what can I learn?  I learned that why these people overcame their sin was their relationship with God.  David was called a man after God's heart.  He killed tons of people and he lusted after a married woman and slept with her and then had her husband killed to cover up his sin.  Not the best resume, but he lived a life of repentance and God blessed him over and over.  This in no way tells us it's ok to sin, but if and when we do mess up, it's not too late.  I am encouraged in that.  My sin is not bigger than God's plan for my life.

Sometimes it's easy to start thinking it's too late for me.  I've messed up too much, I didn't do enough, I didn't work hard enough...  I'm 37 years old, it's too late to discover my purpose and get on it.  I think the Bible is full of stories of people who didn't start their journey at age 20.  People who took a lot of detours before they finally clicked into their destiny.  It's not too late for me.  Tomorrow is a new day, full of hope and new opportunities.  I will choose to partner with Jesus and discover what He has for me this day.

Right now I'm in a season of waiting.  God is working quietly in my heart, healing deep wounds and working bad habits out of me.  No one really sees what is happening under the surface, but I know what's happening.  Yes, He has called me to Uganda and given me a great vision for what He wants to do there through me and I can't wait to get started!  But first, He has work to do inside me.  People ask me all the time when I'm going, and I don't feel like giving the full answer.  Some things are just between me and God right now.  He has showed me some things that need to fall into place before I'll be ready to take on my mission, but I am not going to share the details with everyone.  He just keeps telling me to "wait and trust."  So that is what I'm doing.  I have been building a relationship with the author and perfecter of my faith, and I'm choosing to trust in His timing.  Without a solid relationship with Him, I will fail in Uganda, I'm sure of it.  I might still do some good, but there is no way I'll have the same kind of impact that I'll have with Him.