Monday, February 2, 2015


What am I supposed to be doing with my life? Some would tell you that every answer you need in life is in the Bible, but I would like to propose that isn't exactly true.  Yeah, I said it.  There are tons of good teachings in there, but they are broad and generic so to speak.  But what about my life?  There's no way the Bible is going to tell me to move to Uganda, because Uganda didn't exist when it was written.  It's not going to tell you to go to college for a computer programming degree.  The Bible gives us principles and guidelines, but there has to be another way to get specific instructions for our own lives.

The purpose of the Bible, I've heard it said, is to introduce you to the author.  As we get to know Him, He shows us who He created us to be.  When you know who you are, and what your passions are, it becomes much easier to choose your path.  He created us all for something specific, and it isn't all 'super spiritual' looking.  Some are called to be pastors and missionaries, sure, but some are called to be postmen or football players.  There's plenty of possibilities, and as we discover our unique identity, gift mix, and passions, our destiny becomes clear.

The Bible contains principles by which we can make decisions which is great.  It also contains stories of people who messed up and people who got to see God's miracles, many times they were one in the same.  The Bible is about redemption.  God used the worst of people to accomplish His works on the Earth.  I just heard a preacher say something like 19 books of the Bible were written by murderers.  Ever looked at Jesus' family tree?  Prostitutes, murderers, adulterers, liars....  Not the prettiest heritage.  But God.  I think the Bible is a story of hope.  All these people messed up big time, yet God still loved them and still used them for great purposes.

So what can I learn?  I learned that why these people overcame their sin was their relationship with God.  David was called a man after God's heart.  He killed tons of people and he lusted after a married woman and slept with her and then had her husband killed to cover up his sin.  Not the best resume, but he lived a life of repentance and God blessed him over and over.  This in no way tells us it's ok to sin, but if and when we do mess up, it's not too late.  I am encouraged in that.  My sin is not bigger than God's plan for my life.

Sometimes it's easy to start thinking it's too late for me.  I've messed up too much, I didn't do enough, I didn't work hard enough...  I'm 37 years old, it's too late to discover my purpose and get on it.  I think the Bible is full of stories of people who didn't start their journey at age 20.  People who took a lot of detours before they finally clicked into their destiny.  It's not too late for me.  Tomorrow is a new day, full of hope and new opportunities.  I will choose to partner with Jesus and discover what He has for me this day.

Right now I'm in a season of waiting.  God is working quietly in my heart, healing deep wounds and working bad habits out of me.  No one really sees what is happening under the surface, but I know what's happening.  Yes, He has called me to Uganda and given me a great vision for what He wants to do there through me and I can't wait to get started!  But first, He has work to do inside me.  People ask me all the time when I'm going, and I don't feel like giving the full answer.  Some things are just between me and God right now.  He has showed me some things that need to fall into place before I'll be ready to take on my mission, but I am not going to share the details with everyone.  He just keeps telling me to "wait and trust."  So that is what I'm doing.  I have been building a relationship with the author and perfecter of my faith, and I'm choosing to trust in His timing.  Without a solid relationship with Him, I will fail in Uganda, I'm sure of it.  I might still do some good, but there is no way I'll have the same kind of impact that I'll have with Him.

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