Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Good news!!

If you've clicked through to here, I'm asking that you read all the way through and not give up thinking you've heard this line before.  The whole point of writing it is that I think you haven't.  Based on my observations and conversations with all sorts of people, I don't think you've heard this.  At least get through the 5th paragraph before you decide to quit.

I grew up in church, so God was always just there, a fact, something I never really questioned.  To me He just made sense, I saw the rules and they seemed a logical way to live.  As I got older, I learned more about life and I decided made the faith my own.  I began my own journey of seeking out this God I'd been told about.  I want to share with you what I've learned.

I think the idea of salvation has gotten pretty muddled up over time.  The tactics used are those of a used car salesman, or worse, the hellfire and brimstone style.  I'm not down with those methods.  In this blog I hope to offer up some basic info that will hopefully help you to find the truth so you can make an informed decision for yourself.

I read a lot of apologetics type stuff, and I read comments on public forums from athiests and the like.  'God is a big whiny tyrant in the sky that wants everyone to choose him or he's gonna throw them in hell as a punishment.  God doesn't want us to have any fun, and if we do, he's going to punish us.  God can't be loving because he allows evil to torment us.'  The list goes on and on, you know what I'm talking about.  But the Bible says that there is no fear in love because fear has to do with punishment.  If God is love, as He claims to me, punishment can't be a part of Him can it?  

It really breaks my heart that people think like this.  What it tells me is that they are grossly misinformed about so many things.  That is heartbreaking, because this choice is of ultimate and eternal significance.  If God is really true, don't you think you better have the right facts?  Isn't it worth looking into with an open mind, just in case He's real?  Seems to me that is the intelligent choice.  If He's not true, an open minded honest bit of searching should show that, and what have you lost?  A little time?  But if He is true, you've lost everything.  I think that alone deserves some serious consideration.
God is good.  He loves us, He created us to be loved by Him.  He wants to walk side by side with us in friendship.  He is always good and always loving.  The only way we can love Him is if we have a choice not to, otherwise, it's not really love is it?  That is why there is evil.  God is a gentleman and He won't force anyone to love Him.  Where we run into trouble is when we really look at what His love means.

Are you a parent?  If not, can you at least think like one?  If your child wants to play in the fire, you're going to tell him "no" right?  That child might think you are a big meanie for not letting him play in the fire right?  But you love him and don't want him to get hurt.  That is the bottom line with God.  He created us, so He knows what will make our life run the best possible way.  Initially He only gave one rule.  'Don't eat from that tree.'  That one choice was His love, simply giving us free will to choose Him or not.  All the other rules came later, and I don't think they were really what He wanted, nor what He expected.  (IMO - this bit is my understanding)  Mankind didn't want to listen to God directly, so they asked for rules, and they asked for a king.  It wasn't how God wanted things, but He gave them what they asked for.  He gave them a ridiculous set of rules and penalties that they could never hold to so that they would come back to His original plan of relationship.  People who quote old testament law all the time have missed the point of it all if you ask me.  God didn't intend for us to have those rules, or He would've given them to us all back in the Garden of Eden instead of waiting a couple thousand years.  (again, this little portion is my own belief based on my understanding - I am not a theologian)

The Israelites chose over and over to walk away from relationship with God, and they ended up stumbling into trouble every time.  Was that God's fault?  Was that God punishing them for ignoring Him?  No!  He wants to be in a relationship where He can talk to us about our path and our choices and help us make good ones that bring blessing instead of consequence.  This world is fallen, so the consequences are piling up as we make more and more poor choices.  It's just a big sick circle..... but there is a way out!

Some people think that all the things that God tells us are bad are actually fun.  I understand that they may be fun in the moment, but if you're really honest, there are plenty of not so fun results from those choices.  They may not be immediate, but they're there.  The thing is, God loves us enough to still allow us to make those choices, but I'm sure it breaks His heart to see the pain that we suffer as a result.  But He still doesn't stop us.  Do you know of anyone who has been struck down by a lightning bolt because they sinned?  I don't. God loves us enough to tell us the way to go, but also to not drag us kicking and screaming down said road.
I've heard people talk about hell being one big party full of all the 'fun' behaviors that God calls sin.  They seem to think it's going to be great.  Here's the problem with that theology.  Hell wasn't created for humans, it was created for Satan.  We are given a choice.  Be God's friend, or not.  Choosing 'not' leads to an eternity without God.  There is a verse in the Bible that says that ALL good things come from the Father.  That means that apart from Him, nothing will be good.  I don't believe it's direct torture, but there will be no comfort, no peace, no happiness at all without God's presence.  Hmmmm... Kinda throws a wrench in that whole 'Party in Hell' theory.  That is why the Bible also tells us that it is God's will that none should perish.  He doesn't want us to choose eternity without Him, but He will still let us make that choice.  Would He really be loving if He didn't?

God is good.  I believe that with all my heart because that has been my experience.  Does that mean my life has been all wonderful and perfect?  No way!  It means that bad stuff happens, but as I look to God for my help, He makes all things work out for good, some way or another.  I fully believe that He has my best interest in mind.  He wants to see me healed up, set free, and living life to the fullest in His love.  He knows the hurts of my past and He is working with me gently to heal them up and help me to be me in every situation.  He is helping me grow in so many ways.  Always gentle, always loving, never condemning, never throwing lightning bolts.  Jesus already paid the price for my sin, so I don't have to.  Being a Christian isn't a license to sin because we're forgiven, it's the freedom to live a life full of love, peace, and joy without being tied down to the consequences of our sin.  It's a beautiful gift given freely by an incredible loving Father.

I would love to converse with anyone who has thoughts on this topic.  If you liked this post, please share it on your own wall.

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